Date(s) - 16/06/2021 - 18/06/2021
This year again, the Academy of European Law (ERA) Trier together with the Institute of European Media Law (EMR), organise the “Annual Conference on European Media Law”. The event will take place from 16-18 June 2021. The conference aims to keep media law practitioners up-to-date by providing an overview of the latest policy developments, legislative initiatives and case law in this field.
his years‘ key topics are:
• Update on the implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
• Update on the implementation of the DSM Copyright Directive
• The media sector in times of Covid-19
• Media freedom and pluralism: the action plan on European democracy
• e-Privacy, data transfers and their impact on online advertising
• Current developments with regard to the Digital Services Act and the Digital Market Act
• Latest jurisprudence of the CJEU and ECtHR relevant for the media sector
We are happy to announce already confirmed speakers:
Keynote speaker
Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
Kristin Benedikt, Judge, Administrative Court, Regensburg
Richard Burnley, Legal and Policy Director, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Geneva
Maja Cappello, Head of the Department for Legal Information, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg
Mark D. Cole, Professor, University of Luxembourg; Director for Academic Affairs, Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken
Thomas De Meese, Lawyer, Crowell & Moring LLP, Brussels
Sari Depreeuw, Partner, Daldewolf, Brussels
Corinna Drumm, Managing Director of the Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Austria and Vice-President of the Association of European Radios (AER), Brussels
Claire Fernandez, Executive Director, EDRI, Brussels
Thomas Höppner, Partner, Hausfeld, Berlin; Professor of Law, Technical University Wildau
Agapi Patsa, Legal Counsel, EU Affairs, Google, Brussels
Gregoire Polad, Director General, Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT), Brussels
Eleonora Rosati, Associate Professor in Intellectual Property Law, University of Stockholm; Of Counsel, Bird & Bird, Italy
Tobias Schmid, Chair, The European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), Brussels
You can find a preliminary programme already here: Annual Conference of European Media Law 2021_preliminary programme
The programme will be updated constantly. Registration is already possible via the ERA website.
Due to the current pandemic restrictions, the conference will unfortunately not be able to be held in Brussels as usual this year, as it was in 2020. However, we will still ensure interactivity! The online conference will be hosted on ERA’s own online platform. You will be able to interact immediately and directly with our top-level speakers and other participants. We will make the most of the technical tools available to deliver an intensive, interactive experience. As the platform is hosted on our own server, the highest security settings will be applied to ensure that you can participate safely in this high-quality online conference.