On 16 December 2020, as part of its Digital Services Act Package, the European Commission published alongside the proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA) its proposal for a regulation on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector (Digital Services Act, DMA). The objective of this proposal is to address the most prominent cases of unfair practices and low contestability at EU level so that platforms can realise their full potential and both end-users and business users can reap the benefits of the platform economy and the digital economy in a contestable and fair competitive environment. The Council reached its General Approach, which will be the starting point for the upcoming trilogue negotiations, on 16 November 2021. The European Parliament has also decided its position for the negotiations with adoption in first reading on 15 December 2021. 

The EMR will follow the trilogue negotiations in its usual manner with synopses, which you will find on this website and which will be updated to reflect the progress of the trilogue. The version status is indicated in the documents. 


The EMR synopses on the trialogue present the position of the European Parliament and the General Approach of the Council compared to the Commission proposal. 

English version Synopsis DMA_Triologue

German version Synopse DMA_Trilog